ProFeeder X cobot base

    The ProFeeder X cobot base designed to support higher production series. It is one-of-a-kind machinery that can be equipped with multiple trays of options depending on the requirement.

    The idea is to lower the cycle time and speed up the production for larger outputs. The PF X can support up to 10 trays that are well suited from small to large series production.

    The system is fully automated and highly compact that helps the cell to be placed on any kind of machine.

    ProFeeder X by EasyRobotics
    EasyRobotics ProFeeder X
    ProFeeder X from EasyRobotics - sideview
    ProFeeder X sideview


    Due to 2, 5, or 10 trays, the X cobot base can be used for any task in a limited time. Like PF Compact, this application is also available in two variants based on the locking system. The Airlock system can lock the trays by compressing the air and the Mechlock uses the mechanical locking. The locking system is useful in protecting the operator to prevent interference in the processes and it also helps in maintaining productivity.

    The set-up time required for the PFX is reduced with the help of integrated software that eliminates extra work required for installation. The cobot base system gets ready in very little time for the operations. The system helps to increase productivity up to 4 times and to carry out 12 hour shifts without human intervention. ProFeeder X is flexible and compact. This helps manufacturers to place the system on the conveyor without taking up much space.

    Main features of the cobot base

    EasyRobotics cobot base with opened tray
    • Large production – Delivered with 2, 5 or 10 trays options ideally to decrease cycle time resulting in fast production. Robot arms can be mounted in all 4 different angles allowing its ultimate flexibility.
    • Move around production – Want to scale production and reduce cycle time at your factory floor? The X cobot base is a robust machine designed to handle multiple parts in several trays.
    • 2 locking systems available – Mechanical or Air locking systems. Airlocks run in digital I/O.
    1. Airlock system - comes with an airlock system where the operator won't be able to easily unlock the trays, for safety purposes.
    2. MechLock system - easily accessed by the operator. The operator can manually unlock trays avoiding the need of an air compressor.
    Dimensions of EasyRobotics ProFeeder X cell
    The ProFeeder X dimensions
    EasyRobotics ProFeeder X with opened tray
    ProFeeder X with opened tray


    PF X cobot bases have multiple advantages:

    • Working with CNC processes, it can manage heavy metal parts (up to 120 Kg on one tray).
    • It is flexible and accurate for small series production.
    • It can support productions that require batch or mass output.



    Product order overview

    Product order overview
    PFX-1010-03 PF X 3x 60kg tray w. Mechlock H: 1050 mm, W: 980, L: 920, Wt: 320 kg, 3x 350x550mm tray area, T-Pad bracket, Compartment for controller, 2,5mm deflection at 60kg/tray, Max part height 240mm, Mech-lock
    PFX-1011-03 PF X 3x 60kg tray w. Airlock H: 1050 mm, W: 980, L: 920, Wt: 335 kg, 3x 350x550mm tray area, T-Pad bracket, Controller compartment, 2,5mm deflection at 60kg/tray, Max part height 240mm, Air-lock
    PFX-1010-06 PF X 6x 60kg tray w. Mechlock H: 1050 mm, W: 980, L: 920, Wt: 365 kg, 6x 350x550mm tray area, T-Pad bracket, Controller-compartment, 2,5mm deflection at 60kg/tray, Max part height 120mm, Mech-lock
    PFX-1011-06 PF X 6x 60kg tray w. Airlock H: 1050 mm, W: 980, L: 920, Wt: 380 kg, 6x 350x550mm tray area, T-Pad bracket, Compartment for controller, 2,5mm deflection at 60kg/tray, Max part height 120mm, Air-lock
    PFX-1100-05 PF X 5x 120kg tray w. Mechlock H: 1050 mm, W: 980, L: 920, Wt: 415 kg, 5x 550x350mm tray area, T-Pad bracket, Controller compartment, 2,5mm deflection at 120kg/tray, Max part height 160mm, Mech-lock
    PFX-1101-05 PF X 5x 120kg tray w. Airlock H: 1050 mm, W: 980, L: 920, Wt: 430 kg, 5x 550x350mm tray area, T-Pad bracket, Controller-compartment, 2,5mm deflection at 120kg/tray, Max part height 160mm, Air-lock
    PFX-1100-10 ProFeeder X 10x 120kg tray w. Mechlock H: 1050 mm, W: 980, L: 920, Wt: 535 kg, 10x 350x550mm tray area, T-Pad bracket, Compartment for controller, 2,5mm deflection at 120kg/tray, Max part height 80mm, Mech-lock
    PFX-1101-10 ProFeeder X 10x 120kg tray w. Airlock H: 1050 mm, W: 980, L: 920, Wt: 550 kg, 10x 350x550mm tray area, T-Pad bracket, Controller-compartment, 2,5mm deflection at 120kg/tray, Max part height 80mm, Air-lock

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